Heated Ritchie Waterer Tip
What a odd winter and spring we have had in Iowa! Now that we are in the middle of May, I think it's safe to say that the threat of...

Ritchie Automatic Waterers VS. Concrete Waterers
One of our largest competitors of Ritchie automatic waterers in large facilities, feedlots and dairies are the concrete waterers. In...

Introducing a NEW waterer from Trojan
If you have been looking for an automatic waterer that is easy to install, low to the ground, made of high quality stainless steel, has a...

Immersion Heater Spring Maintenance
If you water your animals using a stock tank or plastic automatic waterer, chances are you are using an immersion heater similar to the...

High Water Pressure and your Automatic Waterer
If you use automatic waterers to take care of your animals hydration needs, you know what the convenience means to your time and overall...

Customer Question - Battery life on a Cyclops Fence Charger
We were recently asked about the Made in the USA, Cyclops Fence Chargers that are available in our store. "How long does the battery last...

Ritchie Thrifty King Closure - Ideal level
The Ritchie Thrifty King series is one of the most popular series of units in the Ritchie line. They are incredibly insulated and give...

Product comparison - Trojan BB09 to Ritchie Stall Fount
Automatic watering can save you time and energy. But how do you know what model is ideal for you? Your needs can vary from price and...

Trojan 66B Stock Tank Heater - Tip
If you rely on a stock tank to keep your animals hydrated, you can appreciate how much work it will take to keep it open especially in...

Ritchie Installation Overview
Have you ever wondered what it would take to install a Ritchie automatic waterer? Because the waterers tend to last well beyond their 10...