Price Increase on Miraco and Ritchie Waterers April 1st.
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High Country Plastics Slow Feeders
Horse by nature are grazing animals with digestive systems evolved to process food in small portions up to 16 hours per day. In today's world many horses are stabled, kept in barns or don't have an adequate pasture to graze upon and natural grazing simply isn't an option. Many veterinarian visits such as ulcers, colic, weight issues and COPD are a direct result of how horses are fed.
- Prevents horses from wasting feed by consuming it too quickly or spreading it out on the ground. With current hay prices this feeder can pay for itself in less than a year!
- Improves the digestive process, which leads to better overall equine health
- Places the horse in a natural anatomic feeding position producing better conformation and less stress on their joints.
- Keeps equine occupied eating longer reducing boredom, which can lead to cribbing, destructive behavior and poor temperament
- All-plastic bottom ensures the animal isn't eating directly off the ground dramatically reducing the possibility of colic.
- Holds a full day worth of feed eliminating the need to feed several times a day.
The slow feeders allow the horse to only eat small bits of hay through the metal feeding grate. This drastically increases the amount of time required to consume the feed and improves the digestive health of the horse.
The metal feeding grate slides easily out the front of the feeder allowing hay to be placed inside.