Price Increase on Miraco and Ritchie Waterers April 1st.
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Tomcat Tamper Resistant Versatile Rodent Bait Station 1 pack
Stations are pre-loaded (Disposable) or packaged with bromethalin block bait (Refillable). Bromethalin is an acute toxicant capable of controlling even anticoagulant resistant rats and mice. Each 1 oz bromethalin block is capable of killing up to 12 mice.* Tamper-resistant bait stations hold bait Chunx (sold separately) securely in the station, away from livestock, pets, children and non-target animals. Stations also protect bait from dust, dirt, moisture and other contaminants, so bait stays fresh longer. Placed along walls and other rodent runways, bait stations provide an environment where rodents feel secure while feeding on bait. Use them also to monitor rodent activity to determine the severity of the infestation.