Electrolytes in a Trojan Pen Waterer

Keeping your swine hydrated is important to their health. However, when it comes to show time, the preferences on water monitoring, availability and ways to deliver the water can vary tremendously from one person to the next.
The Trojan 2.5 Gallon Pen waterer is one of those options. They are portable, easy to install with zip ties and can hold 2.5 gallons of water. But can you use electrolytes in the waterers? There seems to be a common misconception regarding this question.
The short answer is yes, absolutely! You can use electrolytes in the pen waterer. With that being said, the waterer and nipple will need to be rinsed with clean, clear water once finished, leaving a clean environment in the unit for it's next use. Our friends at Trojan likened this process to how you handle a child's sippy cup. If the child had juice in the cup, you would clean it out for the next use, otherwise you would have a sticky mess. The same applies to the 2.5 gallon waterer.
Another thing worth noting is that the pen waterer is not limited to use at shows. It can be used in a trailer during transport, in a sick pen, or for everyday use. The units are versatile and easy to manage.
To learn more about the Trojan Pen Waterer, visit our online store.